Friday, April 17, 2015

Wash Pesticides From Carrots

Peel skins from commercially grown carrots to cut away pesticides.

Carrots improve your vision, fight certain types of cancer and balance blood sugar -- lots of work for one small vegetable. These green-topped, orange root veggies are loaded with vitamin A, but pesticides may make them less healthy. To get the most benefits from carrots without exposing yourself to dangerous pesticides, you need to clean the vegetables carefully. Organically grown carrots have not been exposed to pesticides, so most are safe to eat with minimal care. However, commercially grown carrots will need extensive cleaning before you can safely consume them. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Scrub the orange section of the carrot with a vegetable scrub brush. Brush away visible dirt and debris from all sides.

2. Cut the tops off the carrots using a sharp knife and cutting board. Peel away the skin from your carrot using a potato peeler or paring knife.

3. Pat the carrots dry with paper towels. Wrap the carrots in dry paper towels, then place them inside a plastic storage bag. Refrigerate the carrots for up to two weeks.

Tags: grown carrots, commercially grown, commercially grown carrots, paper towels