Monday, April 27, 2015

Become A Celebrity In "Sims 3 Late Night"

"Sims 3: Late Night" allows anyone to enjoy the perks of being famous.

Everyone has dreamed about being famous at one point or another. In "Sims 3: Late Night" you can make this dream a reality. Fans will beg for your autograph, stores will send you free exclusive items and you'll even have a limo to drive you to your destination. This can all be yours by creating a Sim and guiding it to fame.


1. Visit the bars and lounges in your town, which are popular hangouts for celebrity Sims. You can tell a Sim is a celebrity by holding your cursor over it. Once you find one, you will be given the option to impress it by bragging about your Sim's skills. After you befriend it, you will gain celebrity points. The more celebrities your Sim befriends, the higher rank of celebrity you will become.

2. Click the social interaction "Drop Names" whenever possible. Celebrities are ranked on a scale from 1 to 5. If you're unable to impress a higher-level celebrity, dropping the name of a lower-level friend can help to impress him. The more Sims you impress, the more celebrity points you will gain.

3. Complete opportunities for rewards. These opportunities will pop-up on your screen at random. They will usually tell you to go eat at a certain restaurant, work out at a certain gym or dance at a certain club. Each opportunity you complete increases your celebrity level by a tiny amount.

4. Join the film career. This can be done by reading the newspaper or searching for jobs online. The majority of your bosses will be high-level celebrities, and can be easily befriended by selecting the "Make Friends" button while at work. You will also earn celebrity points automatically just for being in the acting career.

5. Interact with other celebrities. Dating, kissing, proposing, marrying and even killing other celebrities earns you big points towards your celebrity status. You can become a level-5 celebrity in a single day by marrying another level-5 celebrity.

6. Force your Sim to know more celebrities by cheating. This is the quickest way to become famous. Press "CTRL," "Shift" and "c" at the same time. Enter the code "TestingCheatsEnabled True" on the menu. Hold down the "Shift" button and click on your mailbox. There will be an option called "Make Friends For Me." Once clicked, you will know 5 to 10 new Sims, which you can view in the relationship menu. Celebrities will have gold stars and a green friendship bar underneath them. Drag the green bar up to maximum and you will become an instant celebrity.

Tags: celebrity points, Late Night, Sims Late, Sims Late Night, being famous, impress more, level-5 celebrity