Thursday, April 30, 2015

Run A Bakery Business

Running a bakery business requires a core group of recipes.

Running a successful bakery business involves developing routines and record-keeping systems that enable you to meet demand while producing only a minimal amount of extra inventory. In addition, a bakery must have a core group of recipes as well as efficient systems for producing and distributing goods. Display is important to the success of a bakery as well, because customers are more likely to buy baked goods if they are presented in an appealing way.


1. Create a product line for your bakery. Your operation should have a primary focus such as breads or cookies, and it should also offer supplemental products that expand your niche and give customers a well-rounded selection. Develop recipes that are adaptable, and use similar enough processes and ingredients to provide some degree of consolidation and efficiency. However your product line should be varied enough for your customers to find it interesting. Offer seasonal menus and customized special-order items, such as birthday cakes.

2. Develop an inventory system for storing and ordering ingredients. This can be a computerized system that integrates the amount of each ingredient that you use in daily production with your records for ordering inventory. Alternately, it can be a set of handwritten records tracking how much of each item you have on hand on a daily or weekly basis, and providing space for order information to supplement supplies on hand. Set up a storage system to keep flours and grains fresh and safe from rodents. Check invoices to stay abreast of price changes, and adjust the prices you charge to your customers accordingly.

3. Set up an attractive display system for your bakery business. Use platters and baskets that show off your products, such as a long, tall basket for baguettes or a round platter for cinnamon buns. Create displays that appear bountiful, but don't stock them with so much product that the items on the bottom will be crushed. Develop a system for rotating stock in your bakery displays so that you sell off older inventory before it grows stale.

4. Train your bakery staff in baking and customer-service protocols. Develop kitchen routines delegating different baking and cleaning tasks to different positions. Post a cleaning schedule. Provide your service staff with detailed knowledge of your ingredients as well as serving suggestions. Teach your counter staff to pack items so they stay intact and fresh.

Tags: your bakery, bakery business, core group, core group recipes, displays that