Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Start A Deli Store

Delis offer specialties based on cured-meat products.

A deli, or delicatessen, is a food store that specializes in cured-meat products, among other products. Most delis offer limited seating and quick, informal service as well as a range of takeout items, usually prepared in-house. If you enjoy working with food, especially traditional German or Jewish staples, a deli store might be a fitting business for you. A deli business offers room for innovation as you can create a range of offerings tailored to the needs and tastes of your clientele. It also provides a sense of comfort and familiarity to proprietors and customers alike by selling familiar comfort foods.


1. Develop a concept for your deli store. You might want to offer a creative mix of cured meats and pickled vegetables, showcasing gourmet products that fit in well with the deli concept such as artisanal cheeses and mustards. Offer breads and packaged grocery items as well. Choose breads such as bagels and rye bread that complement your deli menu.

2. Obtain the necessary licenses for your deli store. Work with your local health department to build a kitchen and service area that complies with their standards and regulations. If you will be processing and curing some of your own meat products, pay special attention to developing systems and protocols in accordance with health-department standards. Schedule a health-department inspection before you open your deli store.

3. Hire employees for your deli store. Choose workers with food-service experience who are familiar with deli food. Train cooks to execute your deli recipes. Train servers to package customer orders attractively and functionally.

4. Market your deli store by advertising in publications that appeal to your target market. If you are opening a traditional deli, place ads in ethnic and neighborhood newsletters. If you are opening a deli store with a nontraditional slant, advertise in publications such as weekly entertainment periodicals. Use a coupon service that distributes coupon packs or booklets in your neighborhood. Use their service to provide a menu or a description of your deli offerings as well as a coupon for a discounted item.

Tags: your deli, your deli store, deli store, deli store, cured-meat products, deli store might