Thursday, September 4, 2014

Find Grocery Coupons Online

Find grocery coupons online and in the Sunday newspaper.

Grocery coupons are found in numerous locations including the Sunday newspaper, grocery stores, doctor's offices, manufacturer's websites, grocery store websites, coupon websites and in free sample mailings. The key to finding grocery coupons online is to know which websites to search. Some online sources for coupons, though, are fraudulent. If you are concerned the coupon you have found online is not legitimate, call the manufacturer of the item and ask before using the coupon. Use of a fraudulent coupon is punishable by fines and jail time.


1. Search the three major coupon websites,, and, for coupons available to your zip code. These are also the companies that create the inserts that go into your newspaper each Sunday, so you might find duplicates of coupons that appeared in your paper. The homepage of each site shows the available coupons.

2. Search the website of your favorite grocery store. Typically, most stores have a "coupons" or "savings" tab. Many have coupons available to either add to your store rewards card or to print off to take with you shopping.

3. Look for a coupon blogger who focuses on your favorite grocery store. Some of the more reputable coupon bloggers include Jenny at and Collin at features grocery stores in the southeastern United States, and features more national chains. Most will list all the sale items in your grocery store, followed by a listing of all available Internet coupons for those products. This is an easy way to find the cheapest items available in your store each week.

4. Note that manufacturers often have coupons on their websites. If you have a few brands you often purchase, searching their home pages could yield additional coupons. Additionally, request any free samples they have available. Typically, the free sample comes with a coupon to purchase a full-size version of the product.

Tags: grocery store, have coupons, available your, coupon websites, coupons available, coupons online, favorite grocery