Thursday, September 25, 2014

Make Cotton Candy

Remember when you went to the carnival as a kid-or maybe you are a lucky kid who still goes to the carnival. Caramel corn, hot dogs, candy apples and cotton candy all come to mind. Cotton candy, an all-time favorite, is sweet, fluffy and colorful. Make homemade cotton candy with the right tools and ingredients. Here's get started and bring back those carousel and fun house memories! Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Grab a garbage bag and cut it down the middle. Place it on your kitchen floor to avoid any mess. Place two wooden spoons on the counter and lean them off the counter a bit.

2. Cut the end off of the whisk. Space out each piece of metal so that they all have equal areas between each other.

3. Put all of the corn syrup, sugar and water into a pot and place on the stove under medium heat. Cook the mix to 320 Fahrenheit, and then remove it from the stove top.

4. Pour the mix immediately into a glass bowl. Rinse out the pot you used to cook the cotton candy mix in, so it does not keep cooking and burn your pan.

5. Dip your whisk into the hot cotton candy mixture and let it drain off for a bit. Stand above the two wooden spoons and wave the whisk over the spoons quickly. Keep doing this back and forth and the cotton candy mix will become flossy and fluffy.

Tags: cotton candy, cotton candy, wooden spoons