Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Moth Balls As Squirrel Repellent

Moth Balls As Squirrel Repellent

Mothballs are not an ideal squirrel repellent. Not only are they ineffective in removing the rodents from a house, but using them can be illegal and may even cause health problems for anyone living in the house. Does this Spark an idea?


Mothballs are designed to deter or kill moths. They are a pesticide filled with chemicals that are dangerous to all living things, including humans. The fumes given off by mothballs can make a person sick, so dumping dozens of mothballs in an attic is not advised, as the chemical odor from the balls can seep down into the house itself, potentially causing a health hazard.


Using a registered pesticide like mothballs in a location that is not approved or on animals for which it is not approved is illegal in all 50 states. Besides, mothballs are not designed to kill large rodents, and there is no evidence that they even work to deter squirrels.


If you have squirrels in your attic, you should call an exterminator or other professional who is qualified in squirrel removal. Effective ways to remove squirrels from an attic usually involve a combination of traps and maintenance on the house to ensure the squirrels don't return after they've been removed.

Tags: Balls Squirrel, Balls Squirrel Repellent, Moth Balls, Moth Balls Squirrel, Squirrel Repellent