Monday, July 6, 2015

Lose Weight Eating Spinach

Leafy green vegetables like spinach are an excellent component of a healthy weight loss program. Spinach is full of fiber, vitamin K, iron and protein. Spinach-based salads have far more nutrient density than salads made with greens that have higher water content, such as iceberg lettuce. Using spinach as a main component of your diet can help you stay full longer and reduce the overall number of calories that you consume each day.


1. Start keeping a journal of everything you eat. Even though you are increasing your vegetable intake, you still need to pay attention to where your calories come from. Use a notebook or spreadsheet to keep a simple food log, or explore one of the free online programs such as FitDay (see Resources).

2. Plan your meals ahead of time. Sit down at the beginning of the week and schedule what you are going to eat each day, including snacks. Try to include different preparations of spinach once to twice a day. Making a plan and shopping in advance will help you stick to your program and focus on healthful foods.

3. Experiment with different spinach preparations. Eating a basic spinach salad every day may be a low-calorie option, but it gets boring quickly. Use spinach as an ingredient in pasta dishes, or saute it with garlic and onions to try something new.

4. Be aware of what you serve or cook with your spinach. If you saute your spinach in large amounts of butter, it adds an unhealthy component to your weight-loss diet. Consider heart-healthy fats such as olive oil, and always measure your portion sizes to ensure that you are not taking in extra calories.

5. Start exercising or increase the intensity of your program. Though diet alone can help you shed pounds, you will not attain a lean, toned look without an exercise program. If you are new to working out, start by walking for 20 to 30 minutes per day. A workout will help you burn extra calories and strengthen your cardiovascular system.

Tags: component your, extra calories, will help, your program, your spinach