Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What Foods Feed My Dog

Dogs have different nutritional requirements than humans and other animals and it's important that they meet these requirements for optimal health. When you bring home a new dog, it is hard to choose out of all of the available types of dog food. Luckily, once you have a better understanding of your dog's needs you will be able to develop a diet for him that provides him with energy and keeps him healthy.

Dog Nutritional Needs

Every dog needs high levels of protein in its diet, as proteins contain the amino acids needed for proper energy levels. Fats are needed by dogs in order to support a healthy coat and healthy skin. In addition, low levels of dietary fat can lead to vision troubles in canines. A healthy dog food will generally contain carbs, proteins and fats. These come mostly from animal sources, but carbs and fiber are found in certain vegetables and grains. The more active a dog is, the more calories that are required on a daily basis.

Types of Dog Foods

A commonly used dog food is dry kibble, which can be found at any pet store and most grocery stores. While the quality of these foods varies, they are generally quite affordable and contain a healthy balance of nutrients. Canned food can be used on its own or as a supplement to dry kibble. Canned food is made with mostly meats and the moisture is helpful in keeping a dog properly hydrated. Some owners choose to feed their dog raw dog food, which is meat, grains and vegetables in their natural state. This is to avoid preservatives while still supplying the dog with a balanced diet, moisture and providing extra opportunities to chew on items like bones.

Other Foods for Dogs

Dog treats are not to be fed on a constant basis, but they are helpful in the training process with dogs. Treats come from various ingredients, from cheese to meat, and are often shaped in fun shapes and flavored to taste more like foods that dogs enjoy eating. Some human food is okay in small amount for dogs; this includes small amounts of boneless meats, grains, vegetables and fruits.

Food to Avoid Feeding Dogs

There are many human foods that can be seriously dangerous when consumed by a dog. These include vegetables such as onions, garlic, mushrooms and avocados. One well known bad food for dogs is chocolate, which can be poisonous in high doses. Citrus fruits, sugary foods, rhubarb and grapes are all considered dangerous fruits for dogs. Other foods to avoid feeding your dog include dairy products, nuts and rotten foods.

Tags: Canned food, foods that, grains vegetables