Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Grants For Rural Housing

Grants to finance housing projects in rural communities are available.

There are several programs available that sponsor grants to finance the construction and renovation of homes and housing units in rural areas. These financial awards can cover land acquisitions, labor, equipment and supply purchases and administrative costs. These rural housing grants are not required to be repaid by the recipients.

Self-help Homeownership Program

The Department of Housing and Urban Development sponsors the Self-help Homeownership Program (SHOP). Grants from SHOP are used for the acquisition of land and the construction or renovation of homes for low-income home buyers. SHOP requires home buyers to participate in the construction phase of their homes by providing physical labor. Grants are open to regional and national nonprofit organizations that have built at least 24 self-help homes in the previous 30 months. These grants cover administrative costs (up to 20 percent of the grant), and projects cannot cost more than $15,000.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

451 7th St. SW

Washington, DC 20410


Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants

Grants from the Farm Labor Housing Loans and Grants program are used to construct and renovate housing units to be occupied by seasonal and year-long farm workers. Funds from this grant program are also used to finance the construction of facilities such as laundromats, daycare centers and small infirmaries for the use of workers. Only U.S.-documented workers who make a substantial amount of their incomes from farming can live in these housing units. Public and private nonprofit organizations, nonprofit corporations of farm workers, state and tribal government agencies are eligible to apply for these grants. Recipients must match at least 10 percent of the grant with funds from outside sources. This program is sponsored by the Department of Agriculture.


Rural Development

Preservation and Direct Loan Division

1400 Independence Ave. SW

Washington, District of Columbia 20250-0781


Individual Water and Waste Water Grants

Sponsored by the Department of Agriculture, Individual Water and Waste Water Grants are used to install service lines and pay hook-up fees, as well as install plumbing fixtures such as tubs, sinks and water heaters. Grants are open to households living in the states of Arizona, New Mexico, California and Texas where incomes are lower than the poverty levels. Recipients can receive up to $5,000 in lifetime assistance under this grant program, while a maximum amount of $4,000 is allocated for connecting sewer lines and $3,500 for connecting water lines. Applicants cannot be delinquent on any federal debts.

USDA Rural Development

Room 5014-S

Mail Stop 0701

1400 Independence Avenue SW

Washington, DC 20250-0701


Tags: housing units, 1400 Independence, administrative costs, construction renovation, construction renovation homes, Department Agriculture