Thursday, September 17, 2015

What Is A Turkey Neck Skin Condition

What Is a Turkey Neck Skin Condition?

Sagging neck skin. also known as Turkey Neck, can be an unwelcome side effect of the aging process and a difficult one to get rid of at that. Does this Spark an idea?

What is it?

Turkey Neck is a condition that causes sagging of the neck and jowl skin. It results in a look that is not unlike the fleshy neck of a turkey.


Some people are more likely to develop this condition due to the role of genetics. However, the biggest cause of turkey neck is age. With age, the skin thickens, the neck area may develop more fat, and muscles begin to separate.

Noninvasive Treatment

If you are beginning to develop a case of turkey neck, there are creams available for treatment, but they are unlikely to do much for this condition. Laser and Botox treatments may lessen the appearance of a turkey neck, but surgery is usually needed to see dramatic results.


The best way to get rid of your turkey neck is surgery. Liposuction and neck lifts produce the best results, but are much more invasive forms of treatment. Cosmetic surgeons remove excess skin and fat and tighten up the neck area.


Before contacting a cosmetic surgeon, you may want to consider how much this issue bothers you and whether or not it is something you can accept and live with.

Tags: turkey neck, Turkey Neck, What Turkey, What Turkey Neck, much this, neck area, Neck Skin