Friday, September 18, 2015

List Of The Most Popular Christmas Gifts For Women

Christmas shopping doesn't have to be stressful.

Whether purchasing a Christmas gift for your wife, mother or girlfriend, the most important consideration is the thought you put into it. Many women love to receive lavish gifts they wouldn't splurge on for themselves, but if you're on a tight budget, don't despair: there are popular gift ideas that don't cost a king's ransom.


Consider giving jewelry this Christmas.

Jewelry is a popular and personal gift. If you know her well enough to feel confident about what she would like, go for it. Stay with something simple and elegant, unless you know she has been coveting something in the display case. Ask the salesperson's advice if you don't know what to select, but make sure all sales aren't final because even though your woman might be all smiles when she opens her gift, chances are she won't let you know if she's not crazy about it.

A Day at the Spa

What woman doesn't love being on the receiving end of a massage, facial or manicure? A spa certificate is a popular and pleasing gift choice.

Pampering Coupon Book

If you're counting pennies but would like your woman to have some pampering anyway, consider providing the service yourself. Sure to receive high marks in the "thought and consideration" department, a coupon book made by you is almost always sure to please. Suggestions might be a back rub, neck massage or foot rub. Try adding chores she would like someone else to take over for her when it's her turn, such as cooking dinner, cleaning the house or walking the dog. Remember though, this gift comes from the heart, so don't ask her to wait until the football game is over before you deliver.


Fragrance counters are especially busy at Christmastime because perfume is one of the top-selling gift choices. However, most women have specific likes and dislikes when it comes to perfume. If you aren't familiar with what perfume she prefers, it might be better to buy her a fluffy bathrobe.

A Fluffy Bathrobe

A bathrobe might seem like a generic gift, but many women love to receive them. A bathrobe tends to be an item that women overlook when shopping for themselves so it's always nice to receive a new one. Stay away from prints and designs--sometimes less is more.

Gifts of Interest

A cookbook is a great gift idea for the budding chef.

If the woman you are buying for is into gardening, consider some gardening tools or special gardener's soap and lotion. If she's into golf, maybe some new golf balls; or if she loves to cook, visit a kitchen store and check out the latest gadgets. Hobby-related gifts are popular and they say you took the time to care.

The Gift of Reading

If you know that she likes to read, consider a gift card from a local bookstore. Though gift cards might seem impersonal, most readers enjoy gift cards because then they can select books that they haven't read yet and would enjoy.

Tags: would like, gift cards, love receive, might seem, women love, women love receive