Thursday, September 3, 2015

Buy Bulk Foods In Va

Many bulk food stores sell dried fruits at low prices.

Buying in bulk is as economical in Virginia as it is elsewhere around the country. Buying in bulk saves shoppers multiple trips to the grocery store, thus reducing the cost of fueling their vehicle. Shoppers also have the added convenience of doing all their bulk shopping online and having the foods delivered to their doorstep. The only drawback to buying bulk is that shoppers need ample space to store all the items they buy--perhaps a second freezer, another refrigerator and generous shelf space. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Develop a list of the foods you want to purchase in bulk. Bulk food stores, both online or in Virginia, offer vast selections of foods to purchase in large quantities.

Separate the perishable foods (such as meat and dairy) from non-perishable foods (such as cereal and snacks). Shoppers who don't have freezer or refrigerator space will need to think twice about buying meat in large quantities unless it is used right away. This applies to other perishables as well.

2. Research Virginia bulk food shops. Look for good reviews and high ratings that describe the quality of foods they sell. Warehouses in Virginia, as in other parts of the country, sell bulk foods at a lower cost than grocery stores. The only drawback is a yearly fee to purchase a card allowing buyers to shop at their store. Costco is one such warehouse that sells bulk foods and has several bricks-and-mortar locations in Virginia.

An example of another Virginia bulk shop is Grandma's Pantry. There shoppers can purchase a pound of bologna for $3.69, for instance, or a pound of bagel chips for $5.09 (in September 2010 prices). The pantry's foods are diverse, from bulk flour to honey to candy making supplies. Bulk goods are sold by the pound. Grandma's Pantry gives shoppers the choice to buy bulk foods either online or in its store.

3. Get directions to the bulk foods shop if you decide to shop at a bricks-and-mortar location. Note the days and hours of operation as well. Most large chains such as Costco have longer hours than privately owned stores.

4. Create an account with an online store if you choose to purchase items from online bulk food stores. Once the account is created, select the items on your list.

5. Pay for the goods you purchased either in the store or online. If you used an online service to buy bulk foods, use the payment guidelines (credit card, check or PayPal are the usual online payment options) to complete your order.

Tags: bulk foods, food stores, bulk food, Buying bulk, foods such, Grandma Pantry, large quantities