Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What Is The Proper Way To Wash Fruits And Vegetables

Use distilled water to wash fruit.

All produce needs to be washed before being peeled, cooked or eaten raw. You should not only clean fruit and vegetables from the garden, but also those purchased at the store. Microbes and contaminants such as salmonella that can make you ill are sometimes on produce shipped from other places. Put your mind at ease by washing your produce with distilled water, which is a safe, inexpensive alternative to produce cleaners that add unneeded chemicals to your food. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Wash your hands thoroughly before touching the produce.

2. Place the fruit or vegetables in a large bowl of distilled water.

3. Soak the produce for one or two minutes unless it is a soft fruit or vegetable. Put soft produce items such as raspberries in a colander and spray them with distilled water.

4. Scrub away debris on thick-skinned produce using a vegetable brush.

5. Rinse the produce in water once more.

Tags: distilled water, fruit vegetables, with distilled, with distilled water