Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Tell If A Baby Chick Is A Male Or Female

Check a chicken's vent to determine the gender.

Sexing chickens is the official term for determining the gender of a newborn chick. Knowing the sex of the baby chick is important, as the chicken farmer must determine which chicks will produce eggs (females), and which chickens will be raised for their meat (males). A chicken's sex can be determined as early as one day after birth, but becomes easier by the time they reach six weeks old. At that point, the secondary sex characteristics are visible and determining gender is simple.


1. Wash your hands with soap and water. Baby chicks can get infections from your dirty hands.

2. Locate the baby chick's vent. The vent is located just underneath the tail. It will be very difficult to see, and squeezing the chicken's rear very gently might help.

3. Look inside the vent. If you see a small flesh colored bubble, the baby chick is a rooster. If you see an empty vent, the baby chick is a hen.

Tags: baby chick, determining gender