Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Save Money On Cleaning Supplies

Save Money on Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning supplies can be expensive and sometimes it seems you don't have what you really need, when you are ready to clean. Because of the profitable nature of most modern cleaning supplies, there are continuously more components to buy. There are ways to make your supplies last longer and be less expensive to use.


1. Make your own carpet cleaner. Mix a quart of water with a small amount of vinegar and laundry detergent. Put the mixture into an empty spray bottle, and spray on soiled areas. Let the mixture soak for a while before wiping it away with a moist towel.

2. Buy inexpensive microfiber cloths to replace the expensive cleaning cloth refills. Rinse out the cloths when they are dirty and reuse them. Use the cloths dry, as furniture dusters and wet them for other cleaning. Attach a wet microfiber cloth to the popular wet/dry brooms when it is time for a replacement.

3. Avoid buying more toilet bowl cleaner when your supply runs low. Use simple white vinegar to clean the toilets. Pour in a little vinegar and scrub with a toilet brush.

4. Use olive oil as a wood cleaner for wood furniture. Use a cloth to apply the oil, just as you would a commercial oil, and allow it to moisturize the wood.

5. Cut a lemon in half and dip it in kosher salt. Use it to scrub your sink and give it a fresh smell.

6. Measure and use the correct amounts of your regular cleaning products. Many products are concentrated and more of it, will not make things any cleaner.

7. Use baking soda to absorb odors in your home instead of chemical air fresheners.

Tags: Money Cleaning, Money Cleaning Supplies, Save Money, Save Money Cleaning