Monday, August 31, 2015

Create Categories For A Cookbook

Organizing your recipes in a categorized cookbook make them easier to find.

Cookbooks can be found in just about every kitchen. Many people purchase their cookbooks or receive them as hand-me-downs from family and friends who no longer need them. Many people who enjoy cooking also have a collection of their own recipes. Being able to organize all of these additional recipes into your own personal cookbook can make finding the recipes you want quick and easy. Choosing categories for your cookbook will make finding those recipes even easier. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Many people prefer to have recipes that are categorized by course. Popular categories for this method include appetizers, main courses, casseroles, side dishes and desserts. This helps the user to find the kind of food he is looking for based on what part of the meal he is trying to make.

2. Some people prefer to have their recipes sorted by ingredients. This can allow you to find a recipe to make with the ingredients that you already might have in your home. Possible categories for this method include beef, pork, chicken, seafood and chocolate.

3. Sometimes you would prefer to be able to find meals that are better for a certain time of day. For this method, you easily can categorize your recipes using categories such as breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner and dessert.

Tags: Many people, this method, categories this, categories this method, cookbook make