Monday, January 19, 2015

Boil Apples For The Smell

Use apple peels to scent your home.

The aroma of baked apples and pie spices brings to mind autumn holidays and enjoyable cold, crisp days. Making your own stove top potpourri lets you enjoy the scents of the season without the effort of baking an apple pie. You can sacrifice a fresh apple for the aroma or save peelings and cores from the fruit for use as a potpourri. Keep the peelings in a plastic bag in the refrigerator or freezer until you are ready to brew your potpourri.


1. Peel and core two to three apples, saving the edible flesh for another use. Alternatively, slice a whole apple into 1-inch cubes.

2. Place the apple peels, cores or cubes in a medium saucepan. Add enough water to cover the apple pieces to a 3-inch depth.

3. Place two cinnamon sticks and 10 whole cloves in the water. Add 1 tsp. each of nutmeg, ginger and allspice.

4. Heat the pan over medium heat until it begins to bubble. Lower the heat to maintain a steady simmer.

5. Check on the pan every 30 to 60 minutes. Add more water as the water in the pan evaporates. The apples and spices release their scent for approximately two hours before they need to be replaced with fresh.

Tags: apple peels, apples spices