Friday, December 26, 2014

Measure Stevia To Sugar

Recipes requring sugar can be replaced with stevia.

According to, stevia is an herb from South America where it has been used for hundreds of years. Stevia is used by many diabetics and people on low-carb diets as it has no caloric value and does not effect the glucose levels like sugar. Stevia can be found in most grocery and health food stores in liquid or powder form. Stevia is used as a sugar substitute for almost anything that requires sugar. Knowing measure stevia to sugar is beneficial to your recipes. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Understand stevia to sugar ratios. One tsp. of powdered or liquid stevia is equal to one cup of sugar. One tbsp. is equal to six drops of liquid stevia and 1/4 tsp. of powdered stevia. One tsp. of sugar is equal to a pinch of powdered stevia and two to four drops of liquid stevia.

2. Ensure the measurement is precise by using the proper kitchen measurement tools. Level the stevia in the measuring device to ensure accuracy. For liquid stevia, use the dropper included with the bottle to measure. According to, stevia is 30 times as sweet as sugar. If you measure 1 cup of stevia for 1 cup of sugar, your recipe will be too sweet.

3. Add the stevia to recipes requiring sugar including cookies, pies, teas and cakes. Ensure you are using pure stevia without added ingredients, such as maltodextrin, to ensure proper conversions are being used.

Tags: liquid stevia, stevia sugar, According Stevia, According Stevia stevia, drops liquid, drops liquid stevia