Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ideas For Chicken Coop Water Heaters

Cozy henhouses equal happy chickens.

Chickens are able to endure a range of conditions, from cold winters and rocky mountains to sweltering humidity and busy towns. Despite their resilience, chickens still need nurturing, and adequate food and water provisions. When conditions compromise these provisions, such as dropping temperatures turning their water into ice, prompt action will ensure the chickens' health and safety. Does this Spark an idea?


Place an insulating sleeve around the water-holding device with a type of material known for its thermal properties. Possibilities include closed-cell foam and cotton-batting insulation. Wrap the material two or three times around the waterer and secure with duct tape. Cut a small slit, if the water holder is glass, to have a place to monitor the water level.

Heat Lamp

Hang a brooder lamp, typically used for raising chicks, above the watering device. The aluminum reflector will emit a shield of heat down and around the store of water. Hover the lamp approximately 6 inches from the top of the waterer. If using a lamp in conjunction with an insulating sleeve, make sure the lamp is a safe distance from flammable materials. When heating with electrical devices, use an outlet timer to prevent overheating and energy waste.

Heat Pad

Place a heating pad under the base of the waterer. Pet suppliers offer heat pads and mats for dogs and cats that are appropriate for outdoor use. Some feed suppliers also sell metal heat bases that can be used under metal waterers. String the cord in a way where it will not sit in water or be in the chickens' way. Hide the cord or run it through a pipe to prevent the chickens from pecking it.

Pipe Heating Cable

Pipe heating cables are wrapped around plumbing pipes to prevent freezing in winter. Find a pipe heating cable at a hardware store or from a plumbing supplier. Wrap the cable around the water holder, hold in place with duct tape and string the cord safely to a proper outlet. Pipe heating cables have a thermostat for setting a self-regulating temperature. Do not use a pipe heating cable if the waterer is made from a weak plastic.

Tags: duct tape, heating cables, insulating sleeve, pipe heating cable, Pipe heating cables, water holder, with duct