Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Use Poultry Manure For Renewable Heat

These turkeys are unlikely heroes in the search for renewable fuels.

Ethanol corn derivatives receive the most publicity in the market of organic fuel sources. However, other forms of biomass are showing promise in terms of cost saving and, for farmers, profitability. Previously seen primarily as a management problem and financial liability, livestock manure, poultry manure in particular, is now used as an energy source by means of thermal chemical conversion systems, also known as gasifiers. This technology benefits the environment as well as the pocketbook. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Visit renewable fuel web sites and research the process of biomass gasification. Survey your energy needs to determine the size and amount of input, in kilowatt hours (kWh) that will be required for heat. Estimate the total annual manure poundage produced by your flock.

2. Consult with biomass energy groups, such as the Alternative Energy Resources Organization, for assistance selecting the appropriate gasifier for your energy requirements. These associations can also assist in directing you to a reputable dealer.

3. Contact a gasifier dealer declare your interest. Share with the dealer your current energy consumption in kWh and the daily aggregate manure output estimate. Require that she demonstrate, in writing, the energy cost savings and the point at which the system has paid for itself. The retail cost may exceed $1,000,000.00. Make sure your purchase comes with servicing under warranty and rudimentary training.

4. Apply for financial grants from the federal and state sources, as well as private environmental groups. The USDA provides energy conservation assistance primarily through 2 agencies: the Rural Development agency and the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Ask your dealer for help with the applications.

5. Condition the purchase of the gasifier on the ability to retrofit the system with your current heat generating appliances, such as furnaces and chick incubators. Given the technology, the dealer or manufacturer should be responsible for installation.

6. Dry a sample of poultry manure and crush it into small pellets. Test the gasifier with this portion to make sure the deliverable producer gas is yielded in the volume advertised. Verify the by-product ash production in like manner, as this is extremely effective and valuable fertilizer for sale and personal use.

Tags: poultry manure, your current, your energy