Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Field Trips & Nutrition

Field trips can teach kids about nutrition in a dynamic way. When kids learn firsthand about how foods are produced or prepared, it can reinforce the lessons they learn in the classroom.

A Farm

A visit to a farm, orchard or vegetable garden gives kids a chance to see how foods are grown. As Barbara Kingsolver discusses in her book "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle," kids today often don't know much about plant growth, and by visiting a farm, you'll help them to think more about how their food is grown or raised.

A Natural Foods Store or Farmers Market

By visiting a natural foods store or farmers market, you can show kids get the best nutrition available. They'll learn about where the food comes from and how buying local can help people, the earth and animals.

A Restaurant

You could take kids on a tour of a restaurant that serves healthful food. Ask kitchen staff to talk with them about the nutrition in the food and show them how the chefs prepare it.

A Food Bank or Soup Kitchen

A food bank not only gives you an opportunity to talk with kids about the food's nutrition, it also can help them to develop a sense of concern and empathy for others (see Reference 1). Ask the staff to let the kids help with simple tasks.

A Grain Mill

Visiting a grain mill could be an unforgettable experience for kids, teaching them the often mysterious processes that prepare this dietary staple for consumption.

These options all will help kids connect classroom learning with real life, preparing them to make healthier choices about the food they eat.

Tags: about food, about nutrition, help them, kids about, talk with