Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Eat Without Sugar Or Flour

Eliminating flour and sugar from your diet may sound extreme, but it is one of the most simple and straightforward ways to clean up your diet and end compulsive eating. Most processed food today is full of "empty" calories -- refined flour and sugar that stimulate a craving-cycle for sweet food and bigger servings. According to Dr. Peter Gott, author of "The No Flour, No Sugar Diet," the average American today eats 500 more calories per day than in 1970. This diet works by removing empty calories and replacing them with more nutrient-rich food. This way you can get out of the craving cycle and reclaim your natural health.


1. Throw away all foods in your pantry and refrigerator that contain flour or sugar. Read product labels carefully, as sugar can often hide under other names. Remove products containing any sucrose, fructose, dextrose, malt, corn syrup, honey, molasses, and maple syrup. Get rid of any alcohol, soda, juice and caffeinated beverages.

2. Go grocery shopping and fill your pantry and refrigerator with foods that do not contain any flour or sugar. Buy whole grains such as rice, oats and quinoa. Along with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, round out your meals with beans, nuts, seeds, lean meat, and low-fat dairy products.

3. Eat three moderate meals a day, with no snacking in between. At meals, divide your plate by food group. Half the plate should be non-starchy vegetables or a mix of non-starchy vegetables and fruit. A quarter of the plate should be protein, and the other quarter whole grains.

4. Learn to recognize your personal eating patterns and habits. Keep a food journal. Write down everything you eat soon after meals so you don't forget. Record the size of your portions and detail how you felt.

Tags: flour sugar, contain flour, contain flour sugar, empty calories, meals with, non-starchy vegetables