Friday, February 27, 2015

Trim A Brussels Sprout

Prepare Brussels sprouts carefully for cooking.

Although the idea of Brussels sprouts on the menu might send some people for take-out, cooked properly, Brussels sprouts can be tender and tasty. When a meal needs a delicate green vegetable, consider adding Brussels sprouts to complement your entree and other side dishes. Before preparing these tiny little cabbages, trim Brussels sprouts carefully with a sharp knife. Proper preparation and attentive cooking will result in delicious Brussels sprouts. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Place the Brussels sprouts into the colander to wash and trim them. Set the colander near the sink, and place the bowl nearby to hold the washed and trimmed Brussels sprouts.

2. Rinse a Brussels sprout gently under cool water.

3. Trim the end of the stem with the paring knife. Leave the stem extending slightly from the bottom of the Brussels sprout, however, because the outer leaves might fall off the vegetable if you cut the stem off evenly.

4. Remove any outer leaves from the Brussels sprout that appear discolored or wilted.

5. Insert the tip of the paring knife into the bottom of the Brussels sprout stem, about 1/4 inch, and then pull it back out. Rotate the tip of the knife and make a second cut perpendicular to the first cut to create a tiny "X" in the stem of the Brussels sprout. These small cuts will enable steam to enter the core of the vegetable as it cooks.

6. Place the prepared Brussels sprout into the bowl.

7. Repeat the process with each Brussels sprout to finish washing and trimming them.

Tags: Brussels sprouts, Brussels sprout, bottom Brussels, bottom Brussels sprout, Brussels sprouts carefully, outer leaves