Monday, February 9, 2015

Housewife With No Experience Create A Resume

Housewives are experienced administrators and managers of a small organization.

Many housewives erroneously believe they have no work experience because their labor has been centered in the home. Somehow, we believe that washing dishes in your own sink is much different than washing dishes at Denny's. Managing a family budget is much like managing a small enterprise.

Branding Statement

Instead of previous employment, emphasize skills you possess. Create a branding statement which informs future employers of the types of skills you bring to the position and the kind of work you can be counted on to provide. Your employer must gain a clear and concise statement of your abilities from your resume.

Focus on Function

Describe how you functioned as an event planner during birthday parties, family reunions or weddings. Highlight your leadership abilities in coordinating the activities of other members of your domestic organization. Mention how multi-tasking comes second nature to you as you fulfill multiple roles during the day. Volunteer roles teaching a Sunday school class or an arts and crafts class at a recreation center must not be overlooked as work experience.


By organizing your resume as a summary of your skills and illustrating them with concrete and practical applications of service to the family and the community the focus is taken off chronology and institutions.

The issue is not how many years experience you have but rather what kind of person is applying for the job.

Tags: washing dishes, work experience, your resume